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Project Update- 2018 What a great year!
We would like to provide a project update and share with you that 900 people are now registered with Coast Care with 793 people who have actively volunteered.

This has amounted to an astonishing 11,480 hours being dedicated to the project so far. Recently, the site warden role has been massively successful with 48 volunteers logging over 3521 hours alone! 

We are also really pleased to have lead volunteers now trained in organising and running their own beach cleans. This has been a great success and they’ve had some fantastic turn outs and collected an enormous amount of waste off the beaches at their events. We are really thankful for the dedication and support and look forward to this progressing in the future. If you are interested in becoming a lead volunteer then please do get in touch.

Coast Care are pleased to announce that our new member of the team, Kristian Purchase 

will be joining us on Monday 14th January in 

the role of Project Assistant (Training and Conservation). Kristian joins us in replacement of Laura Sheerer and he will be working full time within this position. I’m sure you will get to meet him very soon as his role focuses mainly upon organising and delivering conservation tasks and supporting volunteer training. We are looking forward to welcoming Kristian to the team and of course this will mean there will be lots more upcoming activities and opportunities for you all to enjoy.

We thank you for your time and dedication to this initiative and look forward to 2019 being a great success.

"I met some wonderful people and really felt that my work helped make a difference to my local area."

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